WePresent’s latest commission, Apostles of Cinema—a short documentary about Tanzania’s passionate, fast-growing movie distribution network—will be premiering at film festivals across the globe from June to September.
About the Film
“Maangamizi: The Ancient One” is Tanzania’s most successful film globally, having been screened at festivals worldwide after its release in 2001, but most Tanzanians haven’t seen it. And it’s not only local films that the locals haven’t had access to; a history of films only being screened for or available to the middle classes in the country has seen to that. WePresent-commissioned film “Apostles of Cinema” introduces us to the distributors, translators and cinema-owners working to make sure movies of all kinds are available to the masses, and building a system where the beauty of cinema is provided, preserved and enjoyed by the people.
Upcoming Screenings
7/10 Jun, 2023 - Kurzfilm Festival, Hamburg, Germany
28 Jun, 2023 - Zanzibar International Film Festival, Tanzania
28/29 Jun, 2023 - Encounters Int’l Doc Festival, Cape Town & Johannesburg, South Africa
7 Jul, 2023 - Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK
30 Jul, 2023 - Durban International Film Festival, South Africa
7-12 Aug, 2023 - La Guarimba Film Festival, Amantea, Italy
28 Aug - 3 Sep, 2023 - Odense Int’l Film Festival, Denmark
14-21 Sep, 2023 - DMZ Docs, Paju & Goyang, Korea