Kyle Hausmann-Stokes is a director from Wisconsin and now based in LA. His filmmaking began when he was serving in the US Army as a paratrooper, filming his unit’s jumps and maneuvers and cutting them together into videos to share with his friends. After leaving the military, Kyle built a career in film and TV counting Google, UPS and Disney among his clients. Having returned from Iraq, Kyle watched as the weapons he had grown used to carrying were being used to carry out mass shootings throughout the United States. It was the attack on Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people which was his breaking point: “This was maybe the sixth mass shooting to happen using the same rifle, the AR-15, the civilian version of what we carried.” He decided he had to speak up and made a film with fellow veterans calling for gun law reform. WePresent featured Kyle’s film “Veterans for Gun Reform” as part of our series WeTransfer Against Gun Violence, which looked at how creative minds are taking on the problem.