Chris McDonnell is an animation director, and a bestselling author and designer of art books exploring the animation production process. In the former guise, his output has aired on Netflix, HBO, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, and others, popping up in such cult shows as “Lady Dynamite,” “Yo Gabba Gabba!,” “Kroll Show,” “Portlandia,” and too many others to mention. In the latter, he’s produced “Unfiltered: The Complete Ralph Bakshi,” “Steven Universe: Art & Origins,” “BoJack Horseman: The Art Before the Horse,” and, well, you’ve probably got the idea about his immense productivity—Wonder Woman, the Joker, and zombies feature among his other topics. He now runs the McD Workshop in Philadelphia, with a side-hustle as animation professor at the city’s University of the Arts. So that’s a pretty packed CV. And it’s also testament to the enduring appeal of his retro animation, in which digital tools recreate analog techniques and old-school aesthetics.