Ideas Report 2018

Creative ideas don’t come easy. So, we asked 10,128 WeTransfer users in 143 countries seven questions about their ideas.

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your ideas

Overwhelmingly, creatives said they were more likely to get ideas from real-life experiences like talking with friends, travel, nature, books, magazines and going to galleries. Creative blogs and social media (especially Twitter and Facebook) scored less well, suggesting we need to build better online spaces for idea generation.

questionWhat inspires
your best

Maryanne Wolf

To get inspired,
get off the internet

Maryanne Wolf
A highly-acclaimed neuroscientist at Tufts University and a specialist in the ways the brain processes information through language and reading.

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When you think about what goes into cognition, there are multiple sensory pathways in. To give you a tiny example, if a stroke patient can’t retrieve a word like ‘orange,’ and they smell an orange, it will enhance their ability to retrieve the word. In other words, we have multiple contributors to how we think, and in reading and real-life experiences the same recipe for thought is going on.